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MS70 2014 S 10Y Early Release Chinese Panda

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MS70 2014 S 10Y Early Release Chinese Panda

MS70 2014 S 10Y Early Release Chinese Panda

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Chinese Silver Panda Coins Description: Obverse: Depiction of the Temple of Heaven and “中华人民共和国” (People’s Republic of China) Reverse: Portrait of a Panda Composition: .999 fine silver Years Minted: 1983-present The official mint of the People’s Republic of China has been producing Silver Panda coins since 1983. The Chinese Silver Panda coins are denominated in 3 (¼ Troy ounce) 5 (½ Troy ounce), 10 (1 Troy ounce), 50 (5 Troy ounces), 100 (12 Troy ounces) and 300 (1 Kilogram) Yuan. The depiction of the Panda on the coins changes every year. Approximately 40 million one ounce Chinese Silver Panda coins have been sold from 1983-2008.